<div> <form name = "copy"> <div align = "center"> <input onclick = "javascript: this.form.txt.focus (); this.form.txt.select ();" type = "button" value = "Copy All" </ div> <p align = "center"> <textarea style = "widht: 150px; height: 50px" name = "txt" rows = "35" wrap = "virtual" cols = "25"> Try Copy All All Text in Print Script Width </ textarea> </ p> </ div> </ form>
You can change the text that is marked with red that you want.
Create a new entry, then click on the HTML section instead of Compose.Enter the code above. If you've returned the position on the Compose tab and you live input script any code that will be saved.
Easy is not it. Immediately live practice ya.Ohya here is a little description for the script code text box it. (If you guys want to change some of his texts)
Script <form name = "copy"> in general, the form serves to accommodate elements that will be input into an object. The element is named copy function.
<div align = "center"> is an element used to set the position, web layout / blog you create, and the div tag function here set the Copy All buton position in center "center" for other positions left "left" and right "right"
<input onclick = "javascriptt: this.form.txt.focus (); this.form.txt.select (); that means when the Copy all button is clicked then all the contents on Box Text Area will be blocked and everything is solved, it is the main print of Java Script Buton Copy All, is expected to not be deleted by you.
value = "Copy All" is a writing contained in the middle of the buton / Copy All button, this paper you can replace with any posts you want.
<textarea style = "widx: 150px; height: 50px" name = "txt" rows = "35" wrap = "virtual" cols = "25"> please write your script as you like </ textarea> This script is in use to create Box Text Area Script with Copy All.
style = "widht: 150px; this is for the width, this size you can customize for example 500px or the other in customize to your requirement.So also for height height: 50px" can be adjusted.